Bravo, Frank. You’re doing such important work here. Thank you.

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There are only going to be three books left in our school libraries by this time next year:

1. Mein Kampf

2. The Art of the Deal

3. The Best of Penthouse Forum.

The latter is the Bloated Yam's favorite reading.

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The terms expert and expertise are as overused as the terms baseless, and our democracy. I don't care what the teachers and librarians who were indoctrinated with all kinds of idiotic ideas is appropriate. They work for the public. They are employees and they have been allowed to overstep their bounds. No more.

It is way past time that the parents took charge of their schools., and yes, I am an extremist - at least according to many folks. About 5 years ago I was accused of being one and I determined that it was because I believed the Constitution should be interpreted strictly. Very strictly. Imagine! As far as I'm concerned that is a middle of the road position, but if you consider that extremism, so be it. I'm also a Christian and I suppose since I suppose since I believe we should put our house in order before meddling in other nations affairs, I would be considered a nationalist. Christian Nationalists that support the Constitution have every bit as much right to express their opinions and we are now doing so. Deal with it.

If you want to try and turn this into some kind of first amendment issue, don't bother. Nobody is banning anything. You are still free to go get that trash and present it to your children if you so desire. You are not free to use tax dollars provided by people who don't want that agenda pushed on their children to do so. Again, you are free to push what ever you want on to your own children, You are not free to push your nonsense on to other peoples.

There are dozens of arguments that can grow out of the above paragraph, but they will eventually lead to dissolving public education as it is constituted today.

Folks like me went about their business and allowed others to do things like manage our schools until suddenly we look around and our children are being taught that a boy can be a girl and vice versa; and that some people in society can't define a man or a woman. The people that caused such confusion lost the right to work unsupervised. Get used to it. It ain't gonna stop.

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