Thank you, Franklin, for your tireless coverage of what’s going on in Texas schools. Besides what all your followers are doing to combat extremism, I hope they--ALL--of us can register new voters. As a retired math teacher, I urge all of us to appreciate the power of exponential functions...if we each register x voters, and they register x more, and ...

I hope we can all make voter registration part of our daily routine. For some ideas: https://docs.google.com/file/d/1VcHgVEw__Yh_7j-FWoUt3jpWe4TsJl0V/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword

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So crucial. And thank you for that Google Doc. It's phenomenal!

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I was at this meeting. We should add that the woman who told the story regarding a kiss in a book, which led her to her “porn addiction”, works at Brave Books. There were other Brave Books coworkers, family members, and friends as well. It was obvious when each of them would speak and a small group would applause together. It’s a grift, and a bad one at that. If you hadn’t noted this already, Brave Books can now be found in the Montgomery County library thanks to these same types of efforts.


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Wow. Did not know that commenter is a Brave Books employee.

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I was thinking this had to be a grift and it’s disappointing the saner side of the board couldn’t see through this.

My district is in this county and I keep hoping it doesn’t spread to our district. We did change book fairs, leaving Scholastic for Literati, which worried me at first. We will see what happens next fair in the spring.

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You really need to reach out to the Pantsuit Politics hosts to talk to them about banned books because they *do not get it*. They talked about it today on their podcast episode around halfway through. They have said some things over the last few months about book banning and I don't think they truly know the insidious nature of what is happening.

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I haven't listened to them in a bit, but I'll go back and listen to the most recent episode. What do you think they're missing? Are there any other episodes I should listen to from the past few months?

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I’ll have to go back but there was another episode this summer where they talk about reading some of the banned books. They are missing the school board takeovers, and the removal of books that come in behind some of the more controversial ones that usually kick off the removals. It’s honestly infuriating because they are only talking about part of the story and ignoring the rest of it.

They’ve been doing this a lot of several subjects recently, just both sides-ing things which don’t have two sides.

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